Wishing you very very happy Dussehra to all my blog visitors

Vijayadashami known as “Dussehra” is an Hindu’s Festival .In India this festival is celebrating with different reasons. In some states this festival is celebration in remaining goddess “Durga Devi’s victory over buffalo demonmahishasura to protect people.

And thus Durga Devi named as “Mahishasura Mardini” . 

This festival is celebration in Karnataka ,Mysore, city very grandly every year. Another reason for this festival is that Sri Rama’s victory over Ravana and also Arjuna killed nearly 1,00,000 soldiers in Kurukshetra war and as for his victory it is victory of good (Dharma) over Adharma.

Goddess Devi is worshiped in all these Navaratri days.

The ultimate message of this festival is victory over evil and Adharma and also a celebration of female divinity and worshiping Goddess.


  1. Replies
    1. Telida mawa ento adhi...please mention your name ..thank you
      Happy dussehra

  2. Human brain create wonders, thinking way of thought given by GOD only whatever it may different names of religions. Someone call power, someone call something .. etc, every living thing is under God only. Every thing prewritten, but not rewrite, everyone going on that way only . Happy Dasara
